Have you read and fully understood the terms of service and conditions to work with FIXERS JAPAN, Inc.?
Do you have a working/permanent visa that allows you to work legally in Japan?
What type of job are you signing up for? A fixer must be a builingual (English/Japanese/etc) as a mandatory condition.
How many years of experience(s) do you have in the registered job?
What is your passport issuing country?
How many years have you been living in Japan?
Please choose a language you are confident to communicate.
Can you drive a vehicle in Japan?
First / Last Name
Please type your email address in the second line to confirm.
Please tell us the prefecture and city you live in Japan
Please make sure below is the correct number
You can upload a file of max 50Mb if you have any.
Please tell us about yourself, experience in the industry, hobby, or future plan, etc. *If you sign up for a cameraman, please tell us what camera(s) do you own or Can you use?